Welcome at the Polish Kundalini Yoga Fesival website
We would like to invite you to join us at the Kundalini Yoga Festival in Poland, in Taraska, Poland.
Come, be together, connect with the heart and and kundalini yoga spirit and enjoy the Festival.
Below some basic informations about the Festvial.
For more information, please use automatic google translation of our entire website by >clicking here<
Come, be together, connect with the heart and and kundalini yoga spirit and enjoy the Festival.
Below some basic informations about the Festvial.
For more information, please use automatic google translation of our entire website by >clicking here<
The Festival takes place in the forest yogic facility of Centrum Zdrowia - The Centre for Health Promotion in Taraska, Poland. Please CLICK for the FULL ADDRESS for the MAP OF TARASKA or to plan your way on the GOOGLE MAPS
Most of the workshops is taught in Polish, some of them are in English, however it is easy to team up with a local English speaking teacher. We will be happy to assist you at the Festival.
FOR TEACHERS, PERFORMERS AND BUSSINESS OWNERSIf you would like to teach, perform, or present your organization and events at the Festival, please send us the description and image of your event, and your bio until the end of January.
THE 2024 PRICESFestival events fee till the end of March is 385 ZŁ (it equals ~ 88 EUR), later - till the end of April 455 ZŁ, later - since May 555 ZŁ
Children and youth up to 16 years old under parent supervision - festival events fee - 1 ZŁ Youth 17-26 years old - festival events fee with 50% discount For festival events fee use our shop here: >buy festival tickets< or make a traditional transfer to Biblioteka Nauk Kundalini Jogi necessarily with a tittle "opłata wspierająca i akceptacja regulaminu festiwalu" (supporting fee and acceptance of the festival statute) at NR IBAN: PL83109010980000000152749704, SWIFT/BIC code Santander bank: WBKPPLPP Acommodation with meals fee per day (meals included) are: Place in your own tent - 160 ZŁ Place in festival's tent - 160 (+160 of returnable deposit) ZŁ Place in a 3-person room without the bathroom - 190 ZŁ Place in a 4-person room with bathroom - 180 ZŁ Place in a 3-person room with bathroom - 220 ZŁ Place in a 2-person room with bathroom - 250 ZŁ Camper parking - 160 ZŁ Children up to 3 years old - accommodation free Children 4-10 years old - accommodation with 50% discount Famillies over 3 persons - accommodation with 20% discount The children's discount and the family discount cannot be combined. All accommodation payments you make in cash on site at the festival registration with Polish currency or as advised by contacting the facilty personel. (1 ZŁ = 0,23 EUR) |
SEVA GROUPSWe welcome you to prarticipate in shifts of seva gropups: Kitchen, Technical and Tidy-out, Music and Morning Sadhana
YOGIC MARKETDuring the festival, on the mini bazaar, you can buy various types of products: natural cosmetics, yoga jewelry, yoga clothes... and lots of other interesting items.
Please contact us [email protected] |
About the acommodation and reservation please contact the facility - Taraska Centre of Health Promotion at e-mail: [email protected]
and tel. (+48) 509 861 666
All payments you make in cash on site at the festival registration with Polish currency or as advised by contacting the facilty personel.
and tel. (+48) 509 861 666
All payments you make in cash on site at the festival registration with Polish currency or as advised by contacting the facilty personel.